Tim Velozo, Official’s Chair
C: 413-575-7858
Kirsten Boessneck, Official’s Vice-Chair
C: 803-645-2546
Judy Katalina, Official’s Liaison
C: 508-868-6684
The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent nonprofit organization responsible for responding to and preventing emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct and abuse.
The Center also serves as an educational resource for sports organizations at all levels, from recreational sports organizations to professional leagues.
- Click here for instructions on how to complete SafeSport in SportsEngine.
- Additional resources
Provisional official certification is an entry-level USA Volleyball certification for officials. This certification is awarded to a person who has met the minimum standards for Apprentice officials, as well as the following:
- Proper professional demeanor and skill as a first official
- Second official: Exhibits basic understanding of responsibilities and performs common duties efficiently
- Expanded rules knowledge including back-row player identification
- Basic awareness of net and centerline violations
- Aware of basic alignment and overlap issues
- Ability to start and stop play with correct whistle usage
- Use of recognizable signals
- Basic awareness of ball handling and use of whistle for throws and doubles
- Handling of basic match administration
- Fully understands and applies individual sanctions; shows a basic understanding of delay sanctions
- Proficient with scoring and Libero tracking systems
- Demonstrates reasonable match control for 16-, 17- and 18- American or Club competition
To Become Certified as a Provisional
- Be a current member in good standing within the New England Region/USAV.
- Have a current background screening performed by the company contracted by USA Volleyball.
- Complete SafeSport Course
- Worked as an Apprentice Official for at least 1 season. This requirement may be waived by the Officials Coordinator.
- Request to be considered as a Provisional Referee Candidate by contacting the Official’s Coordinator.
- Complete the online recertification clinic in the USAV Academy.
- Attend a virtual session via Zoom
- Take the USAV rules test online. The deadline to take the test is February 1.
- Work with mentors and experienced officials to prepare. You can ask to be observed to assist you in preparing for an upgrade in certification
- Pass 3 separate evaluations, as both a first and second official, within a maximum of 5 tries in a year
- Demonstrate the ability to officiate at the Provisional Referee level as a first and second referee.
The successful Provisional candidate will:
- Proper professional demeanor and skill as a first official
- Second official: Exhibits basic understanding of responsibilities and performs common duties efficiently
- Expanded rules knowledge including back-row player identification
- Basic awareness of net and centerline violations
- Aware of basic alignment and overlap issues
- Ability to start and stop play with correct whistle usage
- Use of recognizable signals
- Basic awareness of ball handling and use of whistle for throws and doubles
- Handling of basic match administration
- Fully understands and applies individual sanctions; shows a basic understanding of delay sanctions
- Proficient with scoring and Libero tracking systems
- Demonstrates reasonable match control for 16-, 17- and 18- American or Club competition
- Be a current member in good standing within the New England Region/USAV.
- Have a current background screening. screening performed by the company contracted by USA Volleyball.
- Complete the SafeSport course
- Watch the online recertification clinic found in the USAV Academy each year. NE24_202 NERVA Provisional Recert Clinic
- Pass on-court evaluation every year.
- The Provisional Referee will be entitled to wear the official Provisional patch and approved official’s uniform while officiating.
- The Provisional Referee shall have the opportunity to work assignments for sanctioned and other approved volleyball competitions within the New England Region from regionally designated assignor(s).
- A Provisional Referee may elect to become a candidate for Regional Referee upon completion of one season as a Provisional Referee or by recommendation by a USAV National or Junior National referee and approval by the Official’s Chair. The Provisional rating may be retained indefinitely provided all re-certification requirements are met.
- A Provisional Referee is authorized to officiate any USA Volleyball-sanctioned competition, including Junior Volleyball competition within the Region where certified, and in other Regions with the approval of the appropriate Regional referee chair.
A Regional official certification is the highest-level USA Volleyball certification the New England Region can award to an official. This certification is awarded to a person who has held a Provisional certification for at least one season, preferably two, and who has met the minimum standards for Apprentice and Provisional officials.
A Provisional official may request to upgrade to a Regional certification by declaring his/her intention to the regional Officials’ Chair. (
An official may apply for this certification in the first year after receiving the Provisional certification with the approval of the regional Officials’ Coordinator.
For you to advance to a Regional official certification, you must show a sustained quality and commitment to officiating. The evaluations will not occur at a single event but occur over the span of two to three events during the year you are evaluated.
Steps to Take to Achieve Upgrade include:
- Be a current member in good standing within the New England/USAV.
- Have a current background screening performed by the company contracted by USA Volleyball.
- Complete the SafeSport Course
- Send an email to expressing your interest.
- Work with mentors and experienced officials to prepare.
- Get endorsement from a NERVA National or Junior National official
- Pass 3 separate evaluations, as both a first and second official, within a maximum of 5 tries in a year
- Be a current member in good standing within the New England Region/USAV.
- Complete Online Registration
- Have a current background screening. screening performed by the company contracted by USA Volleyball.
- Complete the SafeSport Course
- Watch the online recertification clinic found in the USAV Academy each year. NE23_203 NERVA Regional Recert Clinic
- Attain a minimum score of 80 percent on the approved USA Volleyball Form “A” test for referees. The deadline to take the test is February 1.
- Pass an on-court evaluation once in a three-year cycle.
- After certification, the Regional Referee will be entitled to wear the official Regional patch and approved official’s uniform while officiating.
- After certification, the Regional Referee shall have the opportunity to work assignments for sanctioned and other approved volleyball competitions within the New England Region from Regionally designated assignor(s).
- The Regional rating may be retained indefinitely provided all re-certification requirements are met.
- A Regional Referee is authorized to officiate any USA Volleyball-sanctioned competition, including Junior Volleyball competition within the Region where certified, and in other Regions with the approval of the appropriate Regional Referee Chair.
- Be a current member in good standing within the New England Region/USAV.
- Provide written confirmation of your current referee and scorekeeper certifications.
A Regional official may request to become a candidate for Junior National official by declaring his/her intention to the regional Officials’ Chair at An official may apply for this certification in the first year after receiving a Regional official certification. Factors used to determine viable NERVA Junior National official candidates include but are not limited to professionalism, NERVA “in good standing”, exam results, and participation in NERVA-sponsored events.
NERVA offers a Referee Advancement Program (RAP) for Regional officials desiring to become USAV Junior Nationals and is designed to prepare NERVA officials thoroughly and clearly for the USAV Junior National Official candidate program.
Participation in the Official Advancement Program does not guarantee an official will be sent on as a Junior National candidate and not participating in the program does not eliminate an official from consideration for Junior National candidacy. However, not participating is not advised as it is more difficult for the region to accurately assess the official’s level of preparedness outside of the program.
For more information contact the Officials’ Chair at
See the link below for information for all national officials (JN, N, and National Scorers). This is the letter sent by USAV Officials Development Director Pati Rolf. This includes information on the National clinics. There are deadlines associated with the topics in this memo, so check it out soon and make plans to comply.
Access to the National Clinics will be available to everyone who is not a National Referee at a cost of $25. They will not be allowed to attend these National Clinics live this year; however, they can register for the recorded version. USAV is working on a registration system for this group. More information will follow in the following weeks. See the clinic topic and description below.