How to Start a Juniors Club in NERVA

How to Start a Juniors Club in NERVA

Interested in starting a New Club in the New England Region of USA Volleyball? Here’s what you need to know!

In order to participate in NERVA/USAV events, all NEW clubs must be registered by October 1. There are several things you should know about being a Club Director with the New England Region of USA Volleyball before you get started. Anyone may start a club — it is not difficult but will require a bit of organizational and administrative skill.


Once a decision is made to start a club, these are your next steps:

  1. Club Name: This MUST be approved by the NERVA Jr. Commissioner, Roxann Link, via email at! Please note that club names containing New England, High Performance, NERVA, names similar to an existing club or prior used club names will not be allowed.
  2. Membership: Club Director must have a current USAV membership with a current Background check and SafeSport Training. Adult memberships can be found here.
  3. Registration Form: Once your club name is approved you will need to fill out the “NERVA Junior Club Registration” form. This can be found on the Club Directors Only page linked here.
  4. Operating Code: Please read the NERVA Jr. Operating Code! This can be found on the Documents page linked here.
  5. Junior Assembly Meeting: Club Director must attend the NERVA Junior Assembly meeting. More information can be found here.
  6. New Club Meeting: Club Director must attend the “New Club/Best Practices” meeting. This will be scheduled as part of the NERVA Junior Assembly meeting!
  7. Meeting Reports: Please read the last Junior Assembly meeting reports available here.


The primary components of a club are: 

  1. Players: Most teams have approximately ten players, which allows for unexpected events and provides rotational balance. Eight is the minimum recommended number of players for any team.
  2. Coaches: A coach must be 18 or older, graduated or out of high school, a current registered member of NERVA and USA Volleyball, with a current USAV background screen, and current SafeSport and IMPACT certification.
  3. Club Director: The person who will run the club and be responsible for all of the administrative duties of registering club members with the NERVA region. The Director will also represent the club at NERVA Junior Assembly meetings. They must also have ALL of the requirements listed to be a club coach.
  4. Practice and Tournament Facilities: Clubs are responsible for all costs of facilities. Any clubs that would like to play in the NERVA Girls Series must meet all of the requirements listed in the NERVA Juniors Operating code linked here. Courts used for the reciprocal NERVA Girls Series will be viewed and inspected by a member of the NERVA JR. Executive Board or Competition Committee to make sure it meets the standards for the club or open tournaments.

For more information on starting a new club, please check out the Documents page to see our bylaws, due processes, and more!